Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hard Act to Follow

Today my life is a musical. Well, actually that's a lie. Certain aspects of my life have been recently set to music, however. Dinner, for instance. Tonight was the annual Chinese spring fest and karaoke party in Commons complete with cliché love songs and raucous laughter. While I didn't sing I enjoyed listening to the brave souls that did get up in front of the smiling sea of students and kitchen staff. Reflecting on this experience I almost regret that I didn't possess the audacity to get up and make a fool of myself. Almost. An attitude of good-natured tomfoolery is really the hallmark of a Beloit student and I have yet to expose myself to that aspect of my liberal arts education on the grand scale. If I had decided to sing in the cafeteria, which song would I sing? I would love to belt out Gillian Welch's "Caleb Myer" but the DJ probably wouldn't know it. I guess I would have to sing "Beautiful Ones" in that case. That's right. This mild-mannered, unassuming admissions student worker has a soft spot for Prince. He is a homegrown Minnesota boy after all. Plus the 80s were great, musically speaking. Can't say that I want to return to the days of stirrup leggings and shoulder pads though.

Oh Valentine's Day is upon us and all the lovelorn losers cry into their pillows. Actually, I don't think a lot of people pay attention to Valentine's anymore. Unless of course they are hopeless romantics or work for Hallmark. Personally I do have a hot date tomorrow night--with my journalism class. Ha. Ha. Lame joke. My professor better bring candy. We are workshopping our first articles so he told us to write a love letter on the back of the drafts we're editing. I haven't actually taken him up on that but who knows? The night is still young and my pen isn't quite dry. Though it is getting there. I will be interviewing again for the second Presidential Scholarship weekend. That will be exciting and add some more fodder to the creative fire!

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