Monday, February 25, 2008

February Snowstorms and Other Hazards of College Life

It always seems to blizzard on nights when I have to work in admissions. Perhaps someone is trying to tell me something about the nature of my college employment. Hmm...something to ponder when I shovel my way out of Middle College at 10:00 tonight. It has been an exceptionally snowy year in Beloit, Wisconsin and I have been lucky enough to be a part of history. Apparently this winter has been a 'doozy' which local folks haven't experienced since the 70s. When I was weaving in class today I watched the heavy flakes falling outside the studio window and felt terribly sad. This past weekend was so lovely with clear, blue skies and warm weather heralding a seasonal change just around the corner and now...slush as far as the eye can see. Oh well. If it has to storm this week at least it's happening before Friday when I leave campus for spring break.

Life has been very busy lately, as it generally is right before midterms. I am currently working on writing a paper about Dr. Faustus for my Brit Lit class. This is our first paper in the class and it happens to be worth 25% of our grade. Rather nerve wracking but I'm sure I can manage. I am an English major after all. If I can't write a five page paper about Dr. Faustus before Friday then I better start looking at another field. I am also interviewing a bunch of people for a journalism article I'm writing about the Presidential Scholarship Weekends. I've already accumulated a lot of information and different perspectives from people in admissions as well as current students and former Pres scholars. Should be interesting. At least that is my hope. I am also working on the second round of Newberry program applications which will be due following spring break--March 15th to be precise. I have been tracking people all over campus for signatures, forms, and recommendations. Tiring work, I tell you, which will hopefully turn out in the end. One must stay optimistic in these snow-filled, turbulent times!

Oh! This weekend I saw a great movie with my friends--"Once." It was so cute and the songs were uber catchy. No wonder the film's musicians won Best Song at the Oscars last night. I am seriously tempted to buy the soundtrack but I try not to spend much of my hard earned money these days particularly with a journey in my near future. I admit that I am already counting the days until spring break. I can't help it. Today my bus tickets came in the mail, which made the whole thing much more concrete and exciting. I'm heading home in less than five days. Hurray for Minnesota and hot dish!

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