Thursday, November 29, 2007

The end in sight

I feel like I should say something reassuring about the last two weeks of class, especially in light of the dismal reports my colleagues have made of late. However, I can't do it. It's all sad and true. Stressful, stressful, stressful even with the end in sight. I only have one more final paper to write (in addition to two short ones) but I haven't written anything yet and no longer possess the desire to do so. There comes a point in ones college career where one has to break down and admit the evil of papers. I am so sick of papers which is very unfortunate given my chosen major. Oh well.

At least I have a respite with my weaving class. No papers, no tests, just sore hands. I'm currently weaving a basket which is going well. It's hard to get started and proves pretty tough on the fingers but there is a sense of accomplishment in seeing the progress of an art project that is unrivaled by anything. I never seem to achieve the same sense of satisfaction in handing in a paper or a story asI do when finishing a rug or basket. Hmm...perhaps this is telling me something. Alright! Enough philosophizing for one night. Two weeks from today I am heading home for a month-long break from papers. I can hardly wait but first I have to get through the next two weeks. Late nights of typing and banging my head against the wall are on the horizon, folks, made all the more unfortunate given the number of exciting doings on campus during this period like concerts, movies, dances, and parties. Helps break up the monotony of studying anyhow. All work and no play makes Krista go crazy.

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