Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Snow, snow

It is snowing strongly outside at the moment. Walking over to Middle College tonight in the whispery hush of the snowfall I was reminded of a Mary Oliver poem entitled "Lonely White Fields." The scene evoked by the final line seemed fitting to quote this evening--"The fields swell with a rosy light and the snow keeps on falling, flake after perfect flake." That is what I'm thinking of as I look out the windows tonight. Well, that or The Shining if you prefer a more sinister take on snowfall...

There is a real pine tree in the admissions office and it is emitting a pleasant though distracting scent of evergreen.

So classes are winding down and students are winding up right now. I'm down to two more creative writing classes which is sad. We're having a party on Thursday which should be fun though everyone is supposed to bring something to share and very few students have the money/time/inclination to go buy something for class. I haven't decided whether to bring graham crackers or Cheerios since those are the only real foodstuffs left in my pantry. Well, that or dried pasta. It will be interesting to see what anyone brings. A poor man's feast, no doubt. I only have one more paper to write for my classes, which is quite a relief, and I finished up with tutoring for the semester today. The other folks in my weaving class are completing their rugs and I've woven a little basket as of Monday that could be used for keys or pennies. Our rugs go on display at the library next Monday which will let everyone see the outcome of our hard work and agony over the course of the semester. And only two more shifts in admissions are left as well! Hopefully there will be much excitement to share with you in the following days before I finish with classes and head home for the holidays. Excitement such as a snow day perhaps? Actually that never happens on a residential campus like Beloit unless the professor can't make it to campus because students simply have to strap on their boots and bundle up before going out to slip and slide on our way to class.

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