Tuesday, December 11, 2007

So long, farewell...

Ah, the final post for the semester. While it's always a little sad to bid farewell to another half year of my college career it's also hard to be very despondent when a month of respite begins in only two days. Don't worry Blog fans. The SOIs will return in January to entertain you with the thrills and exasperation of being a Beloit student. So until then enjoy this final post for Fall '07!

Much has happened since my last post. But where to begin? Friday night was a busy one on campus. My friend and I went downtown to attend the Beloit Holidazzle after dinner. It was very spirited with all the lights, piped-in Christmas music, and free food and drink. I bought a gift for my nephew from the college bookstore and wandered into several of the little shops lining State Street. There were crowds of people down there mingling--students, faculty, and Beloiters. Even Santa Clause made an appearance. Pretty sweet. We headed to campus after a while to attend the first annual Miss Beloit pageant hosted by one of the frats on campus. Don't worry. Pageants on campus are simply a venue for student organizations to raise money for charities and for folks to humiliate themselves on stage. The girls competing for Miss Beloit were not the traditional sorority girl figure of popular culture. In fact, one of the contestants sawed a log with a chainsaw as her talent, which really says something. It was an entertaining spectacle to be sure. Afterwards my pals and I headed out to see the final Voodoo Barbie (campus improv group, for the uninitiated) performance of the semester. It was even funnier than usual perhaps because it was a veteran member's last show and they tried harder. Who can say? The rest of the weekend was work, work, work especially on Sunday when work intruded on my dinnertime. Just kidding, Bryan! Actually Bryan was really sweet and took all the SOIs out to dinner at a local fave called La Casa Grande. It was good time to reconnect with coworkers and de-stress at the end of the semester--plus we got a free dinner. Let's hear it for Beloit Admissions!

Only one more class stands between me and freedom. Being unusually lucky this semester I was exempt from final tests and only had final papers to complete for my classes. I handed in my English paper on Monday, my creative writing portfolio today, and my history paper will change hands tomorrow morning. In weaving we already put our rugs on display in the library and will just clean up the studio tomorrow and eat fry bread. Yum, yum. Now nothing left to do but pack and attend various cultural events 'round campus. I attended a friend's band concert last night and will go to the dance workshops tomorrow night. An Anthro party and friendly get together involving biscuits and other snacks will round out the fun. Hurray for December and have a great month everyone!

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