Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Warning: Stream of consciousness blog post ahead

So I've been thinking a lot lately about how I circumspect my language now that I'm an aunt. This occurs even when my darling nephew is not present. I find myself saying things like "goodness!" or "oh, mercy"--frowzy phrases that I wouldn't normally be caught dead uttering. When did I begin speaking in so dowdy a fashion? Why did the birth of my beloved nephew turn me into such a terminally unhip person (as evidenced by the fact that I even used the phrase "unhip" as Shanna just informed me)? Perhaps this is what motherhood or aunthood really does to a person--makes them cautious and prim. I always vowed that if or when I become a mother I would never dress like a New Haven matron or a second-grade teacher. No plaid jumpers for me. Now I find myself chuckling politely, hand over my mouth. I've always been inclined toward modesty in dress and action but I seem to have recently devolved into a nineteenth century school marm in behavior and language. Is this the beginning of a whole new Krista, one whose fiery tendencies are banished to a land of mild placidity? Perhaps aunthood is akin to sainthood. Wait. Now I'm just getting narcissistic.

Sorry for the rambling post. It has absolutely nothing to do with life at Beloit, just life in general. Truthfully, nothing much has happened to me since I last posted on Monday. I went to classes, did homework, wrote a film review, ate, slept, repeat. All quiet on the Beloit front. This isn't helping to make the post more coherent. Again, my apologies. Hopefully exciting things will happen over the weekend and I can share all the gory details with you come Monday!

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