Monday, January 28, 2008

Stormy Weather

Unseasonably warm weather greeted me as I left my dorm this morning. A playful breeze made me wish that I was sporting a red coat and gaily colored ribbons in my hair instead of a drab black peacoat and sensible topknot. Spring seems to have slipped under winter's radar in a teasing preview of good things to come. The heavy snow cover of last week was melting in a torrent of rivulets and streams that turned the sidewalk into a sinking quagmire of slush and mud. While I welcome the break from frigid temperatures I dislike the lovely deception that lurks behind balmy 40 degree weather. Tired of winter, I look towards a spring that is still an entire month and final snow storm away.

My weekend was relaxed and, admittedly, I did little of interest to the masses. I took care of some business for Yoga Club (yes, I do realize that I'm being purposely ambiguous) and essentially lounged around. On Friday afternoon it began to snow and my friends threw me a half birthday party since we will be apart for my actual birthday. It was pleasant to be snug indoors cooking in the kitchen of Haven while fat snowflakes fell outside the windows. We made enchiladas and danced to Cuban melodies. A German chocolate cake was produced and devoured. Pleasantries were exchanged and silliness prevailed. A good old Beloit time. I worked ahead in some of my classes since I had the time because I am one of the few students that doesn't procrastinate. Next weekend will prove much busier especially with the Presidential Scholarship weekend. I will be participating again this year as a member of the interview teams--part of my annual power trip fix. For those of you who are coming to campus for a scholarship interview, here's some advice. Relax. It won't be that bad. Think of the experience as an opportunity to sit down and have a conversation with faculty and students. You are getting to feel out if the college is right for you just as much as they are figuring out if you're right for the college.

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