Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Death Rattle of the Pin Oak

Dramatic title, I know. But the perfect introduction to a discussion about fall! Hard to believe that another midterm break has come and gone. That is one thing no one enjoys about getting older. Time seems to rush by without stumbling or a pause. The trees in Wisconsin are just at their peak color for the season but many are shedding leaves with abandon. Only the oaks hold on until their leaves are curled and brittle and rattle fitfully in the wind...okay, enough about mortality and the ravages of time. And you thought philosophizing and melodrama were things you grew out of once you passed fifteen. Unfortunately it gets worse with age, not better. Wait until you are a sophomore in college. Then it attacks with a vengeance. Which is why Beloit has the sophomore initiative program--to help second year students over the hump of apathy and cynicism! ANYWAY--

I believe I left off with Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me. It was an amazing taping folks. I won't kid you. If you love national public radio, seeing the taping of a show is like winning the lottery. You can never go back to the person you were before it happened. It's like getting run over by a train of good fortune or some other terrible metaphor. I went with my friends and had a blast. I'm not the sort of person to laugh out loud during movies or anything, even if I think they're funny, but I couldn't resist the charm of Carl Kasell and the wit of Peter Sagal. Whew, what a night.

The following day I left Beloit with my friend from MN and we spent the afternoon in Madison, which is a great city. We went to a book sale, ate ice cream by the harbor, and walked around campus. That Saturday we came back to MN and I saw my family, which was wonderful. It was a beautiful drive north all sunshine and birdsong but the rest of the week was dismal and wet. What a drag. At least it cleared up on Friday and Saturday so I could spend some time outside walking on the Sakatah state trail with my dad. I didn't have too much homework over break which was nice but I got a head start on my research papers for History and English. I spent the night before my departure with my sister in St. Paul. I expect to hear any day now that I have a nephew which is really exciting but also bittersweet knowing that we won't spend any more time together before she becomes a mother. The bus ride back to campus was lovely but melancholy. I did more homework and listened to music to pass the time. The Greyhound was plumb full of Beloiters. A popular mode of travel, no doubt. So that is what I've been up to this last week. I hope everyone is enjoying their fall and spending time outdoors. Make hay while the sun shines!

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